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Aspheric Contact Lenses

Rutuja Jathar
Aspheric contact lenses can be a genuine relief for people with borderline astigmatism. Read the following story to know more about these contact lenses and their functions.
Contact lenses are used to serve the functions of the specs. Using lenses is a convenient alternative for specs because, they are virtually invisible. Along with vision correction, they attain the purpose of cosmetic makeover of a person.
They are available with various tinctures and patterns, which makes them a really useful phenomenon in the field of eye care. Along with cosmetic concerns, they are very useful for treating several medical conditions, which cannot be treated with the specs.
Aspheric contact lenses are one such therapeutic lenses, which come under the category of 'prescribed contact lenses'.

What are Aspheric Lenses

Both spheric and aspheric lenses are prescribed for the patients of astigmatism. In short, patients who are told that the regular contacts are not suitable for them, can use these lenses. Aspheric contacts are a special kind of contacts, which have soft angles and profiles that are not associated with the eye cylinder as well as eye spheres.
These lenses are a slim and flat version of the non-aspheric or regular contact lenses. They are generally prescribed to people, who are suffering with borderline astigmatism. They have gradual progression of minus vision correction, which works from the center of the lens towards the mid-periphery region.

Their Uses

Aspheric contacts are slimmer and softer and hence, they can adapt the very curve of each person's eye. This way, they provide better eye movements, which is a fascinating characteristic as compared to regular lenses.
Aspheric multifocal eye lenses, which you can find on prescription, are actually a great relief for the patients of astigmatism as well as presbyopia. They are also useful for the patients, who have computer related jobs.
Back surface of these multifocal lenses are specially designed with a superior lid attachment, which facilitates utmost vision correction and eye movements. These lenses are progressive as well as concentric, which is the reason why they are the best available option, when it comes to contacts for astigmatism and presbyopia.

Tips to Choose Them

Unlike the old times, when astigmatism patients had to wear those painful gas-permeable contact lenses, today you can find a great assortment when it comes to the aspheric contacts. You can find these contacts in both, hard as well as soft materials.
Along with varieties in their material, you can also choose these lenses as per your priority including daily wear, extended wear, and disposable contact lenses. Since these are prescribed lenses, it is better to opt for the daily wear or extended wear varieties. You can also find aspheric multi-focal, colored contacts for astigmatism treatment.
The best person to decide the type of lenses for you is an eye care professional. He'll ask you a series of questions to determine your exact avenue of treatment, before prescribing the contacts.
As these are vision correction lenses, the common and affordable types come with a visible tint or partial blue hue (which is visible when they are stored in their case) and in the materials like proclear plastic.
Once you get the lenses, it is also important to get to know, how to put the lenses in your eyes and identify any possible problems, which you may have to face later.