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Are You Sleeping Right?

Buzzle Staff
Not getting enough shut-eye can make you cranky and irritated in the morning. Adults need 7 - 9 hours of sleep on an average. Of course, the exact amount of sleep differs in different individuals. Concentrate more on the quality of sleep, rather than the quantity.

Horses Don't Lie!

Some animals, like horses, sleep while standing up. Horses lie down only during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. And since they sleep for just around 3 hours a day, the duration of REM sleep is very less.
Sleep is perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of our life. We spend one-third of our life sleeping, yet, most times, we don't give it the importance it deserves.
Remember the last time you woke up naturally, feeling really energized and fresh? You don't, right? Well then, you need to ask yourself if you are sleeping right. Yeah, we literally cannot function without proper sleep. In fact, we may survive longer without food than sleep.
Various aspects like sleeping position, posture, bed, mattress, place, time, etc., decide how you'll doze. So, it is important to understand the ingredients of a good sleep. After all, you don't want to spend one-third of your life the wrong way, right?!

Sleeping Position

Do you prefer sleeping on your side or on your tummy? The position affects quality sleep a lot. Of course, every position has its own advantages and disadvantages, with some being better than others.
The healthiest position is sleeping on the left. It prevents heartburn and snoring, leads to good spine alignment, and facilitates better elimination of waste materials. Sleeping on the back is also good, but may lead to some amount of snoring.


When was the last time you changed your mattress? If you don't remember, then it's probably time to change it!
Ideally, you must replace your mattresses every 7 - 10 years. Of course, the exact duration will depend on the condition of the mattress too. Look out for signs of wear and tear. If you feel uncomfortable while sleeping, just change it without further delay.
A bad mattress can lead to back pain, stiffness, and unsatisfactory sleep. Invest in a premium mattress. It may be a little heavy on your pocket now, but it will be absolutely worth it. Mattresses do deserve more importance, considering the amount of time we spend in bed.
Don't go for a very hard mattress, as it will make you uncomfortable and may lead to back pain. Very soft mattresses can lead to a bad posture. The key is to find the perfect balance. Try sleeping on the mattress before buying it. Ensure that it has a good quality memory foam, otherwise, it will heat up as the night progresses and make you hot.


Along with the position, posture plays a pivotal role in good sleep. It is important to be comfortable while sleeping. You shouldn't be too rigid, nor should you be floppy. A bad posture will open the doors to neck or shoulder pain, bad circulation, stiffness, etc. You can use soft pillows between your knees or below your legs to sleep comfortably.


Do you toss and turn continuously in your sleep because it's hot, or it's so cold that the blankets are never enough? Well, optimal temperature is very important for sound sleep.
Temperature in the range of 60 to 70°F is ideal for most people. You can set the thermostat at different temperatures to determine the most comfortable temperature for yourself. Body temperature goes down when we sleep, so a cool room is more conducive to sleep.


A quiet, dark room will help you sleep better. Keeping a window open will help in better circulation of air.
Ensure that you keep all your gadgets away from the bed. Opt for calming colors, like blue, for the bedroom walls. Bright colors like red can be distracting when trying to sleep.


Dinner should be had at least 3 hours before sleeping; eating late taxes the digestive system. Foods like turkey, eggs, honey, milk, etc., contain tryptophan, which induces sleep.
Such foods can be consumed before sleeping. Foods high in fat can disrupt sleep, so avoid them. Also, going to bed with an empty stomach may lead to poor sleep.

The Art of 'Sleep'

It is possible to improve sleep quality with few simple changes in your schedule. If you feel sleep-deprived most of the time, try going to bed earlier.
Keep phones and laptops away from the bed. Take a warm shower or have a glass of warm milk to sleep faster. This will help you let go of anxiety or work tension, and get some much-needed quality shut-eye.