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Reasons for Being Hungry and Tired All the Time

Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
There are some people who feel they are always hungry and tired, and are never full. If you too feel you come under the category, then you should continue reading the following story.
Within 2 hours of having a full meal, Sandra goes back to the refrigerator hunting for more food. She eats while driving and even when she is working at her workstation. There is a common joke among her friends that she is a glutton who can devour her soft-spoken fiance out of hunger.
Although Sandra thought she had a good appetite, off late she felt this is not a healthy sign. She was always hungry and tired. No matter how much she ate, she always craved for some more food. Thus, she thought of seeking medical or psychiatric help to overcome this problem.
Do you feel you identify with Sandra and her unique problem? Do you find yourself asking the question "why am I always hungry"? If yes, then it is sign of health or diet problem.

Huge Appetite and Low Energy

Eating the wrong kind of foods, like processed foods, simple carbohydrates, or sugars, may cause a sudden rise in your blood sugar levels. More insulin is released in your blood stream, causing the sugar to be absorbed by the cells.
This absorbed sugar is used for production of energy. Soon, all the sugar will be used up, leaving your body craving for more energy, thus signaling your brain for more food. To solve this problem, you need to reduce the amount of simple sugars in your diet.
You should eat more proteins and fats that take a longer time to be broken down into sugars. This way, your body will take more time to convert blood sugar and have a stable supply of energy.
A lot of exercising may also make you feel always hungry and low on energy. The more you work out, the more energy you burn. To solve this problem, you need to eat more and eat the right kind of foods. If you feel exercise is the root cause of your problem, stay away from your gym for 10 to 15 days. If you still feel the same way, there are chances it may be due to a health problem.
This is also one of the symptoms of fast metabolism. You should get your thyroid checked for hyperthyroidism if you're facing this problem. More the amount of thyroid hormones in the body, faster is the rate of metabolism.

Always Tired and Sleepy

One of the reasons for being always tired and sleepy may be poor lifestyle routines that deprive you of proper sleeping hours and a healthy diet. Lack of certain nutrients in your diet due to high fats and sugar diet, or vitamin deficiency due to skipping meals and avoiding fresh vegetables and fruits will also make you feel spent all the time.
Another reason for always feeling exhausted is high caffeine intake. You are so hooked on to you hot cuppa, that it zaps you out of your sleep, making you stay awake all night. It disturbs your sleeping pattern, thus making you sleepy during the day. Various sleep disorders may also cause you to feel tired.
You need more exercise to overcome this feeling. A nice physical activity will shake off the lethargy and help reduce weight, which may have been making you feel tired.
Certain medications, like blood pressure pills, amnesia pills, muscle relaxation drugs, etc., may cause the body to get exhausted more often. Those taking medications for hypertension, cancer, diabetes, and heart problems are also more likely to feel tired and sleepy.
You may not believe it, but excess sleep can also make you feel always tired, as the body tends to get more sluggish due to excess rest. Make sure you sleep well, but not more than 8 hours continuously. You should sleep daily at 10 p.m. and wake up by 5.30 a.m. or 6 a.m. and carry out some energizing exercises.

Always Hungry, Never Full

There are many people who are always hungry, even after a huge meal. If you too share the same feeling, it's time to review your diet. It may so happen that you may be eating enough calories, but do not include enough proteins and fats.
The calories get burned up for production of energy, making you feel hungry. Proteins tend to satisfy the hunger pangs, so having more proteins with your meals will help you overcome this feeling.
Other problem may lie with your intervals between meals. If you stay hungry for a long time before meals, you may find yourself not satisfied with your meals. You should eat at least 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of sticking to the standard 3 meals. You should eat protein-rich and high fiber foods to reduce you hunger pangs and feel full for longer periods of time.
However, if you still feel hungry all the time, it's time to see your doctor for some blood tests. You may be suffering from diabetes, hypoglycemia, overactive thyroid, or have an unwanted guest making home in your gut (intestinal parasites).
Stress, emotional imbalances, and mental strain may also cause one to feel this way. Boredom, depression, and frustration may also cause this problem. So, get yourself a hobby to keep busy.
These were some of the reasons that may help answer why you are always hungry. If you feel thirsty besides feeling hungry and tired, it may be a sign of diabetes. Digestion problems may also cause one to feel this way.