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Alcohol Intolerance Symptoms

Rujuta Borkar
Some people are unable to ingest alcohol, thus leading to several adverse effects and reactions. There are varied reasons for why alcohol intolerance comes about. In this Story, we will focus on the symptoms of this condition and provide you with the treatment options as well.
Alcohol intolerance is a rare phenomenon that is characterized by the inability of a person to digest alcohol contents. This is caused due to the absence or deficiency of an enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) in our bodies (liver).
When food is ingested, it is broken down with the help of enzymes so that it can be absorbed into the intestines or blood stream. However, alcohol is a toxic compound and it cannot be stored in the body. Thus it needs to be broken down into acetic acid (vinegar) and oxidized (with the help of the ALDH enzyme) in order to get rid of it.
  • Skin turns bright red, accompanied by flushing of the skin.
  • There might be nasal congestion.
  • The throat might be constricted and there will be difficulty in breathing.
  • The skin will feel itchy and will be accompanied by hot flashes.
  • There might be a stuffy or runny nose.
  • Vomiting and coughing will be experienced.
  • There will be heartburn and the heart rate will increase dramatically.
  • One may even experience abdominal pain.
  • If a person suffers from asthma, then their condition may become worse due to the sulfites in alcohol.
  • There will be swelling of the lips or tongue.
  • There might be complaints of experiencing chest pains and dizziness.
  • Sometimes a person will also have strong or mild headaches.
These were some of the alcohol intolerance symptoms. Certain other beverages and drinks might evoke symptoms of a different nature, in addition to those mentioned here.


Alcohol intolerance can be caused due to the following reasons as well.
  • An allergic reaction to an ingredient that is present in the alcoholic drink.
  • Certain medication forms which do not mix well with alcohol (ethanol).
  • A sign of a major underlying disease.


Alcohol intolerance is a condition that is genetic. Therefore there is no 'cure' for this. However, if one does notice symptoms of alcohol intolerance after drinking, then one has to treat it like a normal alcohol allergy, which would involve seeking medical attention at the earliest.
In conditions of an allergic reaction to a particular ingredient in the drink, one can take medicines to treat it accordingly. For example, if it is a histamine intolerance, then one can take an anti-histamine for it. Or if sulfites are causing the reaction, then avoiding all wines becomes a cardinal rule.
There have been certain findings in recent times that show some promising results. This is in relation to alcohol intolerance in its true sense - correcting the deficiency of the ALDH enzyme. It has been seen that taking zinc before consuming an alcoholic beverage helps convert the alcohol to vinegar. Though this has not been proved yet, so do not take it as an accepted cure for treating alcohol intolerance.
Similarly, a molecule known as the Alda-1 molecule has been found to activate the ALDH enzyme. This in turn allows the enzyme to digest the alcohol. However, the research is still in its initial stages and more evidence needs to be found.
Alcohol intolerance in the real sense is not something that we can control because it is genetic. Therefore, if one is categorized as suffering from alcohol intolerance, one should stop drinking alcohol all together. The consequences could be far reaching and very severe.