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Alcohol Cravings

Rahul Thadani
Alcohol cravings that cannot be controlled or fulfilled are a clear indicator that an individual is heading toward alcoholism. This is not a pleasant realization, and the only way to a full recovery is by controlling the need that arises all the time.
People who fall prey to alcoholism feel very strong and intense cravings that they are unable to suppress or control. These arise as a result of its regular consumption beyond a certain limit, as the body starts becoming dependent on it.
Consumption becomes a habit, and this inadvertently leads to a breakdown in various functions of society, as people who are dependent on alcohol slowly start to lose touch with reality.
To find the causes of cravings one needs to look at the environment in which an individual has been brought up. More often than not, the roots of this problem can be found here. Children who are exposed to alcoholic parents from a young age are more likely to turn to it in the future.
Moreover, children who have suffered some form of torment or trauma in their childhood, also end up feeling intense cravings if they have started turning to drinking for solace.
It is widely agreed upon that this problem is completely psychological in nature. For some people, addiction is an escape route from the drudgery of their everyday lives, and they feel comforted only when they are intoxicated.
The body starts relating the feeling of satisfaction with the presence of alcohol, and even though the person may wake up with a splitting headache, it is viewed to bring satisfaction to the mind. Many children consume alcohol as a result of peer pressure, and then they witness the urge becoming stronger and stronger.

How to Reduce the Craving

The desire to consume alcohol is a progressive one, and slowly rises with time. There are a few ways that can be utilized in order to curb, or at least reduce these cravings. The urge is even stronger in the minds of people who have just got out of a rehabilitation program, as their body suffers many side effects due to the sudden stop in consumption.
Some common ways of curbing this thirst, which concerned family members have found useful over the years for alcohol treatment are as follows
  • Distraction - This involves occupying one's mind with another task or activity, so as to counter the effects of the craving for alcohol. By shifting the focus of the mind to a relaxing and soothing task that the individual deeply enjoys, this problem can be controlled effectively.
  • Coping Flashcards - This is a practice that rehabilitation personnel often force their patients to use. By writing down flashcards and notes for oneself, an individual can attempt to fight off the urge when it surfaces.
  • Relaxation - In most cases, a person will experience cravings due to some external factors that cause stress, anger, and anxiety. By taking up a relaxing activity, the mind will divert itself away from these harmful factors, and will think of the consumption of alcohol far lesser.
  • Imagery - This trick will involve focusing on certain emotions and situations in order to curb the craving. By focusing on how shameful one felt due to the alcoholism at some point will awaken the mind from the trance, and aid in carrying out some other activity instead.
  • Rational Thought - If a person can gather enough presence of mind to think rationally, the battle is almost won. By thinking about the possible causes of the craving and the realistic effects it will have, one can change the focus of the mind.
To utilize these techniques, one will need time, patience, support from friends and family members, and strong willpower. This is not an easy task by any means, and getting over it successfully is something to be proud of.
An important thing to remember is that a low blood sugar level in the body can lead to a rise in the urge to drink alcohol. In order to avoid this from occurring, one should eat small meals throughout the day, and maintain a healthy blood sugar level.