Is afternoon fatigue lowering your work productivity? Learn about the causes of tiredness occurring post-lunch and also, the ways to deal with it effectively.
Often times, it has happened that when we reach office, in the morning, we are bubbling with energy and finish whatever work is assigned to us in no time. However, the moment the clock strikes three, we feel sapped of energy, lethargic, and sleepy.
Have you ever thought what causes this? Well, if you have not, then here are the reasons we feel tired in the afternoons, followed by some remedies to get rid of this behavior.
A person, who has not slept adequately the previous night, often feels tired throughout the day.
Weakness in the body, caused due to the intake of an unbalanced diet, could be a possible reason behind noon fatigue.
Skipping meals, be it breakfast or lunch, can cause fatigue too.
Eating food in excess or eating foods rich in sugars and fats, can make a person lethargic.
Iron deficiency in the body causes tiredness.
How to Beat Afternoon Fatigue
Eat a Balanced Diet
It is very important to eat a healthy diet and keep oneself well nourished to avoid any kind of tiredness. Your daily diet should have the required amounts of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, for you to be fully fit and strong.
Include Proteins and Carbohydrates in Lunch
Foods which are rich in proteins and carbs will help in minimizing tiredness experienced in the afternoon.
This is because, proteins affect the serotonin levels in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter, responsible for the moods that we experience. It also contain tyrosine, which affects dopamine, another neurotransmitter in the brain. Carbohydrates help in stimulating the intake of tryptophan and tyrosine by the brain.
So, when proteins and carbohydrates are eaten in combination, they help in boosting the mood of a person, making him energetic, attentive, and alert.
Take Small Meals
Avoid overeating at lunch to fight severe feeling of tiredness. In fact, instead of eating three large meals, switch to eating five-six small meals in a day. Do not keep your stomach empty for long periods, as it results in lack of energy and fatigue.
Eat Foods Rich in Iron
Iron deficiency in the body can hamper the process of oxygen transfer to the cells and organs of the body. When oxygen does not reach the body cells, it slows down the body processes as well as the brain activity.
Thus, it is very important to include such foods in the diet, which are rich in iron, such as, leafy vegetables, beetroot, dates, almonds, fenugreek, spinach, and broccoli.
Limit the Sugar Intake in Lunch
It is very essential to avoid foods rich in white sugar, such as chocolates and white breads during lunch time to avoid tiredness.
This is because, when we eat high sugar foods, the body releases more insulin to maintain the sugar levels in the body. This excess insulin, causes the blood sugar levels to fall, making the person tired and lazy.
The moment you start feeling tired or sleepy, take a break. Climb a few stairs in the office or just walk over to a colleague's desk and start talking.
Doing some breathing exercises while sitting on your desk might also help, as breathing exercises increase the oxygen levels in the body, thereby increasing alertness.
Certain fragrances, such as, those of the essential oils, like, rosemary and lavender, help in energizing the person. So, keep such aromatherapy oils handy, and smell them from time to time, to stay active.
Afternoon fatigue can be easily conquered, provided, you incorporate the mentioned changes in your diet. Being energized, alert and active, all day long, can help immensely in your professional growth.