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Interesting Facts About A Positive Blood Type

Leena Palande
Do you have 'A positive' blood type? Read on to know interesting facts about persons having 'A positive' type of blood. Tap to know 'A positive blood type diet', to lead a stress free and healthy life....
The specific genes that are inherited from your parents decide your blood type, before you are born. In 1600s, blood transfusions were first attempted by transfusing animal blood into humans which proved to be totally disastrous.
Around 1800s, the idea of human blood for human beings came up and in 1901 Karl Landsteiner identified the four basic blood types; A, B, AB, and O. Research studies have shown that 'AB negative' is a rare blood group. 'A negative' and 'B negative' are also not very common.
'A positive' blood is found in almost 32.5% of the population while 'O positive' is found in approximately 38.5% of the population, which means maximum number of people belong to the group 'O positive'.

A Positive Blood Facts

Specific substances in the red blood cells called antigens are detected through blood test. The 'A antigen' is on type A cells, while the 'B antigen' is on type B cells. When neither A nor B antigens are found, the person is said to have O blood type. When both A and B are found, the person is said to have AB blood type.
The person is Rh+ if the major Rh antigen is present ( A+, B+, AB+, O+) and the person is Rh- if Rh antigen is not present (A-, B-, AB-, O-).
  • People with A positive blood, can receive red blood cells from people with O-, O+, A-, A+ blood types.
  • People who have A positive blood can receive blood plasma from the people with A-, A+, AB-, AB+ type of blood.
  • People with the blood group 'A positive' can donate blood to individuals with type A or AB.
  • 'A type' blood clots when mixed with anti A serum.
  • If both the parents have blood type A, then children can have A or O blood type.
  • If parents have A and O type blood, then children can have A or O blood type.
  • If parents have A and AB blood types, then children can have blood group A, B or AB.
  • If parents have a combination of A and B blood type, then children can have A, B, O, AB blood type.
  • Approximately, one person in every three people has 'A positive' blood. The blood banks in the United States have reported that many people with O and A positive blood type do not donate blood, assuming that their blood group is common and so, there is no need to donate blood. 
They should, in fact, understand that this blood type has maximum demand and they should donate blood as many times as possible.
  • People should donate blood as often as they can. One can donate blood every 56 days for red blood cells and every 28 days for plasma. Your one donation can save up to three lives.


People having 'A positive' blood should generally follow a low-fat and plant-based diet. The blood type is supposed to influence a person's sensitivity towards various diseases like allergies, diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. A positive blood type diet can be so designed that it can prevent the blood type related diseases. Vegetarian diet works great for people with 'A' blood group (positive or negative). If you eat right for your blood type, you can definitely keep yourself healthy, fit and active.
People with 'A positive' blood should eat lots of fresh green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, legumes, beans, seafood and tofu. They should avoid meat, high-carb dairy products, wheat, kidney beans and lima beans to achieve healthy weight loss.
Fruits like pineapple, leafy green vegetables and vegetable oils, soy food can help a lot in controlling the weight. These people should avoid greasy, processed and junk food and should opt for healthy organic food to relish a stress free life.
While considering different types of blood groups and the respective diets, you must have noticed that an old saying 'one man's food is another man's poison' applies here perfectly.
Though you have 'A positive' type of blood, you can always follow the mantra "B positive", which works great for every blood type and which can be helpful for a healthy and stress free life.