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7 Health Benefits of Quitting Drinking and Getting Sober

Alexander Smith
Sobriety is no easy task. But nothing worth doing is easy. Here are some of the many benefits you'll enjoy as a result of quitting drinking.
Sobriety is no easy task. But nothing worth doing is easy. Here are some of the many benefits you'll enjoy as a result of quitting drinking.

1) Weight Loss

Alcohol is essentially a bunch of empty calories, containing 7 calories per gram - twice that of carbohydrates. Additionally it slows down metabolism as our bodies have to break alcohol down before food.

2) Absorption of Vitamins & Minerals

Not only does alcohol have no nutritional value, it literally kills the lining of the stomach and intestines. This prevents the body from absorbing vital vitamins and minerals like iron and calcium, causing complications like anaemia.

3) Improve Your Sleep Quality

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the two most critical parts of the sleeping process:

1) Slow Wave Sleep - The component of sleeping that physically rejuvenates us.

2) REM Sleep - The part of sleep that helps or memory and our ability to learn.

4) Better Hydration

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the kidneys, inhibiting production of the hormone vasopressin, which allows your body to re-absorb water. So even drinking more water will result in the water "running" right through you. This will result in increased urination, less hydration and can lead to dry mouth and headaches.

5) Better Skin

Ever had red and blotchy skin after a weekend of hard drinking? This is because alcohol makes your blood vessels to dilate and increases blood flow. It also causes face puffiness, a result of fluid coming out of the blood vessels. Alcohol's dehydrating effects also cause dry patches of skin. Furthermore, alcohol accelerates the effects of aging on the skin.

6) Better Mental Health

Alcohol is a depressant. Drinking disrupts the neurotransmitters that are responsible for our happiness and sense of well being. It lowers our levels of serotonin, resulting in depression and other mental health issues.

7) Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Drinking alcohol results in elevated blood pressure - a primary cause of heart disease. Over time this increase can become permanent. Additionally, because of all the sugar in alcohol, the amount of cholesterol in our bodies is increased. It can also cause irregular heart beat.

Help Is Available

If you are able to stop drinking on your own, then as you can see from this story, there are many benefits of doing so. Be forewarned, alcohol is highly addictive - with an estimated 14.5 million Americans suffering from it. For in depth information on alcohol addiction and some of the treatment options available, visit The Summit Wellness Group website.