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5 Mental Health Benefits of Swimming

Keeping fit mentally is just as important as keeping fit physically. Learn how swimming can calm your mind and reconnect!
Abbie Faulkner

Importance of Mental Health

It’s World Mental Health Day on 10th October, so we’re devastatingly early with this story, but it’s better early than late, (or never).

There continues to be a social stigma surrounding mental health, and although there are things that can help the mind and our overall health, exercise is one that isn’t pushed enough!

Science Doesn't Lie

There is scientific research which states that swimming reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It certainly takes the number 1 spot for a sport that has a positive impact on our mental well-being.

We share with you the 5 mental health benefits of swimming and hope that it inspires you to get in the pool!

#1 Reduces Stress

In one study, it was found that swimming can help promote the growth of new brain cells in certain parts of the brain.

These break down during chronic stress which essentially allows us to manage and cope with stress much more easily. The calming nature of swimming also contributes to the reduction of stress.

#2 Boosts Brain Health

Being in water ultimately increases blood flow to the train. A healthy blood flow to the brain is essential when it comes to supplying it with oxygen, glucose and vital nutrients which are required for it’s protection.

It also helps boost the immune system as cold water increases white blood counts that help fight infections!

#3 Improves Sleep

Swimming works absolute miracles for the mind, body and soul. Although it may seem like an easier sport compared to some, it actually stimulates muscles throughout the whole body making you more tired!

This improves sleep for all, but especially insomnia sufferers. There are plenty of swimming exercises to enhance your overall workout too!

#4 Soothing Benefits

Swimming is an exceptional way to relax and calm your body. Because of this, it reduces anxiety and depression as it allows you to let go of stress and things that are bothering you.

Whether you’re the type to go for a good swim to perfect your technique, or you’re one to float around and enjoy the water, either works perfectly fine!

#5 Blue

Colour and psychology work very well together, representing certain moods and feelings. Blue, on the other hand, is known as a natural calming colour. Take the sea and sky for example - we take pride in the beautiful creations.

Biophilia refers to a love of nature and is associated with a desire to be near and connected to nature.
This could explain why some of us feel an overwhelming sense of happiness when we're by the sea, by water and nature. You can learn more about biophilia hypothesis here.

Help Your Mind With Exercise

It's estimated that 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem every year. It's no doubt that physical activity in any form has a positive impact physically and mentally, but swimming is a popular choice due to its relaxation impact, and the ability to allow people to go at their own pace.

Encourage your friends and family to swim today!